Picture it…you come home on a Saturday morning after your fasted cardio session. Your beau has made you a delicious breakfast, has an outfit & shoes picked out for you, and a note that says “Eat up, put this on, and be ready to go at 11am!” Whoa, excuse me?! You waste no time asking questions – you simply follow directions!
11 am rolls around and your sweetie arrives, red roses in hand. You’re whisked away to an unknown destination not knowing what the afternoon has in store. You shortly arrive at the Natural History museum where you are escorted to the Geology, Gems, and Mineral wing. You glare in awe at all the beautiful and shiny stones in your presence. As you turn the corner from admiring a gorgeous emerald ring, you’re shocked to see your honey is down on one knee with the huge velvet box in hand. Is this the proposal you’ve been waiting a lifetime for?! As the tears start to well up in your eyes…
“Babe, you’ve been working so hard in the gym and eating clean and it shows. But I think there’s something missing to make everything complete. Something I thought we could find here in this museum.”
Your love slowly begins to open the huge box, you squeal in anticipation of my most beautiful rock you’ve ever laid eyes on! Then you gasp; nestled in the velvet you find…a bottle of liquid trace minerals! WHAT????
“Diamonds aren’t the only minerals you should be concerned with, babe. You also need calcium, magnesium, zinc, and many more!”
Admit it – as disappointed as you might be, you can’t help but chuckle at this caring sweetheart! Minerals are a vital part of a healthy body. Many multi-vitamins only contain small amount of minerals, the mineral content of our soil determines the mineral content of the food grown in it and it’s been quite depleted in this day and age, and unless you’re drinking naturally high ph water from a mountain source OR alkaline water that has been re-mineralized, you likely aren’t getting any minerals from your drinking water either. So let’s learn a bit more about these diamonds in the rough.
The minerals we need are divided into two groups: trace and nontrace macrominerals. The trace minerals are needed by the human body in small amounts, and many of them are toxic at higher doses. The macrominerals that go into bones, namely calcium, magnesium, and phospherous, together with sodium and potassium, are needed in quantities that exceed those of the trace elements.
According to the USDA, besides being the major constituents of the mineral portion of bones, these minerals are essential for other reasons. Calcium is important in control of contraction and dilation of blood vessels, muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Magnesium is used by more than 300 enzyme systems in the human body, including most of those responsible for energy generation, it also helps balance calcium. Phospherous is a necessary components of protoplasm, the living portion of the cells that make up the body, and is also necessary for growth, maintenance and repair of tissues and for generation of DNA and RNA.
* Having muscle cramps? You may be low in magnesium, calcium or sodium. Recommended daily amount for magnesium is 310 to 420 mg, for calcium 1,000 to 1200 mg, and for sodium is 1.3 mg.
** Consitpated? Magnesium coupled with vitamin C can help you become more regular.
*** Trouble sleeping? Calcium deficiency and insomnia have long been linked. It causes tension and sleep disturbances. Magnesium can help relieve headaches that keep you awake and if you’re taking birth control, antibiotics, or laxatives, you may be at higher risk for deficiency.
**** Want to build muscle naturally? Combined with proper caloric intake, macronutrient amounts, and exercise, supplementing with zinc and iron has shown to help boost growth hormone levels and aid in muscle growth and repair.
The trace minerals are iron, zinc, manganese, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, iodine, chromium, and selenium. According to the Cooperative Extension at the University of Delaware, the primary use of iron is blood formation and function. Iron is a major part of hemoglobin, in red blood cells, that brings oxygen to tissues. Zinc plays a role in cell and body growth and maturation and in tissue repair. Copper is required to use iron effectively and plays a role in bone development. Selenium helps protect cell membranes from deterioration as well as supports thyroid and immune health. Iodine is required for proper thyroid function. Chromium and manganese help the body process carbohydrates. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay. And molybdenum helps the body process other compounds.
Spinach, pumpkin seeds, and silver skin fish have the highest magnesium content. Collard greens and kale are the highest calcium vegetables and dried figs are the highest calcium fruit. The highest phosphorous food source are pumpkin seeds! Lima beans, swiss chard, sweet poatoes, dried apricots and avocados rank the highest in potassium; wheras beets, olives, and celery can provide high amounts of natural sodium.
Tell us your thoughts on minerals – are you getting enough each day? How do you supplement your mineral intake? What’s your favorite museum to visit in your town?! Share with us how you mineralize on Facebook and Instagram by tagging us at #fitsoma.
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