Youtube video blog click here!
Just because I’m a vegetarian and watch my sugar intake, doesn’t mean I don’t get a little fluff every now and then! I celebrated my birthday by noshing on artichoke parmesan salads, tempura’ed amazu ponzu tofu, and dry miso flaked avocados at Nobu Malibu… Ok, I had a few serrano spiced acai martinis as well. That was all on Thursday, June 18th, but then Saturday June 20th, I splurged again with a brunch at Cliff’s Edge Cafe in Silverlake! There I had an egg white omelette with morel mushroom cream and goat cheese, truffle fries, and a glass (or two) of prosecco.

Oh the dining was divine, and I savored each morsel like it was my last, but there’s no way I can eat, and drink, like that and not gain a little. It’s mostly water and a little inflammation in my gut, however I don’t feel like myself and it’s time to clean things up. I like to do these one to two week flushes every now and then, and it never ceases to amaze me how quick I can get relatively shredded by eating a whole, unprocessed, unrefined, low sugar, low sodium, high fiber, alkaline diet.
So I decided to do a video blog to share with the world my one week body shred, and also to hold me accountable. I will be posting my daily videos on my youtube Soma Fitness channel, and I’d love your support! Besides, I’m practically giving away bikini pro shredding secrets! Click the link here to watch the videos!
